
XHTML 2.0 Working Draft


Refers to a document that defines relationships or provides metadata, for instance in RDF, about the document. User agents may use this URI in two ways:

  • As a globally unique name. User agents may be able to recognize the name (without actually retrieving the profile) and perform some activity based on known conventions for that profile. For instance, search engines could provide an interface for searching through catalogs of XHTML documents, where these documents all use the same profile for representing catalog entries.
  • As a link. User agents may dereference the URI and perform some activity based on the actual definitions within the profile (e.g., authorize the usage of the profile within the current XHTML document). This specification does not define formats for profiles.

This example refers to a hypothetical profile that defines useful properties for document indexing. The properties defined by this profile -- including "author", "copyright", "keywords", and "date" -- have their values set by subsequent meta declarations.

 <html ... xmlns:mp="">
      <title>How to complete Memorandum cover sheets</title>
      <link rel="profile" resource="" />
      <meta property="mp:author">John Doe</meta>
      <meta property="mp:copyright">&copy; 2004 Example Corp.</meta>
      <meta property="mp:keywords">corporate,guidelines,cataloging</meta>
      <meta property="mp:date">1994-11-06T08:49:37+00:00</meta>

[引用: 19.1. Metadata Attribute Collection: rel -- XHTML 2.0 Working Draft より]