HTML 3.0 Draft
- REL=Help
- The link references a document offering help, e.g.
describing the wider context and offering further links to relevant
documents. This is aimed at reorienting users who have lost their way.
[引用: LINK -- HTML 3.0 Draft より]
HTML 3.2 Reference Specification
- rel=help
- The link references a document offering help, e.g. describing the wider context and offering further links to relevant documents. This is aimed at reorienting users who have lost their way.
[引用: The LINK element -- HTML 3.2 Reference Specification より]
HTML 4.0 Specification
- Help
- Refers to a document offering help (more information, links to
other sources information, etc.)
HTML 4.01 Specification
- Help
- Refers to a document offering help (more information, links to other
sources information, etc.)
Modularization of XHTML
- Help
- Refers to a document offering help (more information, links to other sources information, etc.)
[引用: LinkTypes -- Modularization of XHTML より]
XHTML 2.0 Working Draft
- Help
- Refers to a document offering help (more information, links to other sources information, etc.)
[引用: LinkTypes -- XHTML 2.0 Working Draft より]