
         The COPYRIGHT relationship identifies a hypertext link to a
         copyright notice.

         While it is arguable whether a copyright notice is required in
         every HTML file to assert copyright protection on it, there is
         clearly a desire to express copyright notice among a sufficient
         portion of the user community to justify support.

         A basic copyright notice for this document may simply state:
         "Copyright 1995 by Murray C.  Maloney".  It may be desirable,
         in place of or in addition to such a notice, to have a
         hypertext link between each HTML document in a set and a single
         copyright notice, as in the following examples:
             <LINK REL=COPYRIGHT HREF="copyright.html">
             <A REL=COPYRIGHT HREF="copyright.html">
             Copyright 1995 by Murray C. Maloney</A>

[引用: 4.4g. Meta Documents -- Hypertext links in HTML (draft) より]

The link references a copyright statement for the current document.

[引用: LINK -- HTML 3.0 Draft より]

The link references a copyright statement for the current document.

[引用: The LINK element -- HTML 3.2 Reference Specification より]

Refers to a copyright statement for the current document.

[引用: 6.12 Link types -- HTML 4.0 Specification より]

Refers to a copyright statement for the current document.

[引用: 6.12 Link types -- HTML 4.01 Specification より]

Refers to a copyright statement for the current document.

[引用: LinkTypes -- Modularization of XHTML より]

Refers to a copyright statement for the current document.

[引用: LinkTypes -- XHTML 2.0 Working Draft より]