
         The BANNER relationship identifies a document banner.

         When REL=BANNER, the target document is to be included  within
         the current document as a banner. A banner is typically used
         for corporate logos, custom toolbars, and other information
         which  would not typically be scrolled with the body of a

         When REV=BANNER, the current document is a banner. This may be
         used, in future, to provide error-checking or to prevent the
         use of a document as a banner unless it has been explicitly
         identified as a valid source. (Or not!  Sorry, I was reaching
         for a useful meaning.)

         Compelling arguments have been made against the need for  a
         REL=BANNER value, which is simply a special case of the INCLUDE

[引用: 4.4f. Other REL and REV Values Under Discussion -- Hypertext links in HTML (draft) より]

Using LINK to include a Document Banner

The LINK element can be used with REL=Banner to reference another document to be used as banner for this document. This is typically used for corporate logos, navigation aids, and other information which shouldn't be scrolled with the rest of the document. For example:

    <LINK REL=Banner HREF=banner.html>

The use of a LINK element in this way, allows a banner to be shared between several documents, with the benefit of being able to separately cache the banner. Rather than using a linked banner, you can also include the banner in the document itself, using the BANNER element.

[引用: LINK -- HTML 3.0 Draft より]